The conference has demonstrated a robust curriculum and provided high level speakers on a variety of topics related to advocacy. CAIA 2020 grew to over 500 attendees with participants from across the United States. Presenters at CAIA comes from diverse backgrounds and experiences to address what survivors and communities really need – particularly those who are most underserved – not just for intervention, but also prevention and social change.
CAIA is co-hosted by the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) and Violence Free Colorado. The Coalitions collaborate on this event in order to provide training and education that is based on best and promising practices for addressing sexual and domestic violence, and to ensure that services for survivors are as consistent and comprehensive as possible. CAIA is the only statewide conference specific to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence advocacy.

The conference has grown from a small 35 attendee symposium to a three-day conference with 350 attendees from across the country.
In June 2020, CAIA hosted their first virtual conference welcoming more than 500 attendees across the country.
Attendees include advocates, prevention educators, outreach staff, mental health professionals, campus professionals, medical providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, military command and advocacy, offender treatment professionals, school counselors, and so on.
Tracks include: Legal/Policy, Program Management, Prevention/Social Change, Services/Advocacy and Underserved Populations. (Sponsorships are available for specific tracks)
The CAIA event platform provides attendees access to all the conference sessions including keynote, 21 workshop sessions, and a closing panel. The platform is also the hub for the conference schedule, speaker list, sponsors and the opportunity to connect with attendees leading up to, during and after the conference.
By sponsoring the event platform you make it possible to keep the registration costs down and accessible to attendees.
Exclusive Opportunity
Sponsorship Includes:
- Your logo on login page of event platform
- Mention in all emails promoting event,
Event platform sponsored by {your organization/company name here} - Recognition during the keynote and panel sessions
- Logo on sponsor slideshow
- Logo on event website (
- Recognition on CAIA, CCASA and Violence Free Colorado social media posts

CAIA has a commitment to language justice and access. We demonstrate this commitment throughout this conference by creating multilingual spaces. One session per breakout will include Spanish Language interpretation offered by Community Language Cooperative an organization working to remove barriers and broaden opportunities for participation and community engagement to non-English speakers. Additionally, one session per breakout will include ASL interpreters.
Sponsorship Includes:
- Mention and logo recognition on a slide for each session with Language Access and or ASL Interpreters
- Logo on conference website acknowledging your support of Language Justice and ASL accessible trainings
- Recognition in social media posts on CAIA, CCASA and Violence Free Colorado Facebook page
- Recognition in conference email (Distribution +/- 1,200)

2 Available
Language Justice Access Sponsorship
2 Available
ASL Interpreter Sponsorship
For sponsorship inquiries, please contact Marci Whitman, Conference Coordinator
Phone: 303-521-0201 | Email: |

- Company name, logo and link on conference website
- Recognition in social media posts on CAIA, CCASA and Violence Free Colorado Facebook page
- Company name, logo and link on conference website
- Recognition in social media posts on CAIA, CCASA and Violence Free Colorado Facebook page
- Company name, logo and link on conference website
- Sponsor recognition (w/link) in all pre/post conference communications
- Company name, logo and link on conference website
- Recognition in social media posts on CAIA, CCASA and Violence Free Colorado Facebook page
- Company name, logo and link on conference website
- Sponsor recognition (w/link) in all pre/post conference communications
- Two virtual conference registrations
- Company name, logo, and link posted in virtual platform
- Push notifications to conference attendees in app thanking your company for sponsorship
- Company name, logo and link on conference website
- Recognition in social media posts on CAIA, CCASA and Violence Free Colorado Facebook page
- Company name, logo and link on conference website
- Sponsor recognition (w/link) in all pre/post conference communications
- Two virtual conference registrations
- Company name, logo, and link posted in virtual platform
- Push notifications to conference attendees in app thanking your company for sponsorship