Jessica Fann
Jessica Fann holds a MA in Forensic Psychology and is a licensed educator. Her experience as a legal investigator in family law, as a Caseworker in DHS, as a therapist serving multiple counties privately and as a DHS service provider as well as both a community and system advocate has granted her a larger perspective of system interactions as a whole. She currently serves on the DVOMB as the Victim Services Representative and as Chair of the Victim Advocacy Committee. Jessica served as a voting member of the DV/DHS Task Force in 2021 as well as assisted in writing the Civil Cases Whitepaper. Jessica currently works at the 18th Judicial District as a Victim Case Coordinator in the Diversion program, as a Treatment Victim Advocate at Lifelong, Inc and as Co-Owner of Training Collaborative, an agency dedicated to bringing cross training to the forefront of system collaboration