Kuthoomi Castro
Kuthoomi Castro (They/Elle) Kuthoomi is a Queer/Transgender Indigenous Latinex born and raised in Ecuador, living in Boulder, CO. They are a clinical mental health counselor, wellness professional, and Curandero (sacred medicine carrier) with expertise in transpersonal and social justice counseling, relationship dynamics, personal and spiritual growth, and sacred practices from their indigenous South American tradition (Andean Cosmovision). Their therapy work is rooted in a client-centered approach from an Indigenous lens, and they hold acceptance, compassion, and presence through a pluricultural and inclusive lens. Their approach is strongly informed by the mindfulness and contemplative education of Naropa University, The Learning Love Institute education on interpersonal relationships, their native Mestizo-Kichwa roots from South America, and a social justice and inclusive framework acquired throughout their life experience as an Indigenous activist and lately, working at Safe House Progressive Alliance for nonviolence since 2019.